There are days in Hacking when things don't work as expected - such happened to our latest topic. Instead, we'll have a look at a more historic topic: Format String Exploits
There are days in Hacking when things don't work as expected - such happened to our latest topic. Instead, we'll have a look at a more historic topic: Format String Exploits
Got your new Schmalaxy SXT9000 Smartphone with the great features and security, but it's already boring? Let's bring tools like Metasploit or SQLMap into your Pocket
We already explored many simple pathes to be able to run exe files while bypassing EDR like Defender. Now we go a step further.
About one year ago we proposed the use of alternative coding styles to evade code scanners. Guess we gotta prove that it works.
Using a few tricks we can make a PE payload, that looks like a PDF - including file name.
We dive into deeper water today, looking at GSM3 and briefly into SS7.