Let's have a look at how you can combine two techniques seemlessly for an evil plan, using a classic priming setup
Power vs Control. In this Social Engineering special, we compare negative manipulation tactics that occur in relationships, the workplace, religious- and other social communities.
The essence of social engineering lies in subtly guiding your target through a conversation without them ever realizing your true intentions. A combination of emotion-first strategy, hooking, and exchanged context forms a powerful toolkit for the adept social engineer.
Let's get deeper into the art and science of Social Engineering, uncovering the psychological underpinnings and tactical applications of emotion-first strategies, hooking, and context exchange. This installment reveals the nuanced techniques that shape influence and decision-making, tailored for enthusiasts and professionals in red teaming and social engineering.
We made the bold claim, that all AMSI evasions still work. But is that really true? Come in for a ride.
We created a custom reverse shell from scratch and made it persistent - the result is scary, to say the least.