

- 3 min read

It's too hot: Hacking The End

img of It's too hot: Hacking The End

We don’t have any resources left. Bank account is negative. On this rare occassion, we’ve been hacking into Oceanic Climate Data. At the very least, everything in this article is for real.

No “mass media lies” (which we do have a differentiated oppinion on, but that aside), no “biased researchers”, nobody in between us and the data. Cause we hacked one large provider of temperature data. Rest assured, we got a lot more sensor data, up till July 2024 along with more prove, which we cannot publish without risking legal backlash - and we don’t find it as important anyways, appart from the legitimacy.

We did no damage and left as silently as we came, with all windows shut. Issue is being communicated. We never been leaking data and won’t start on this occassion. In fact, we won’t start anything here, we haven’t become climate activists, our hands remain glue-free (while our food is not gluten free. Ha.)

Temperature in the Ocean

over the last couple of years. We chose this sample, cause it provided the best and easiest overview, even though the range of this one only goes till 2019. The peaks on the warmer side are getting visibly more. At this point, this hardly will be “news” to anybody, who isn’t completely delusional.

Climate Data

Other hot areas

Definitely the back, chest area is the worst. Burning sensation and strong pain day and night. Stomach also pretty bad, along with PTSD, Depression, you know.. This is the main reason, we hardly touch on the subject matter anymore and likely this will be the end. Maybe we will eventually have to give in on outside pressure and comply to a cushy Threat Modelling idiot position, just to earn a living. If so, it will be with a broken back and a broken heart.

On a side-note, we managed to build out our Social Engineering capabilities to Realtime Videochat using the face of anyone we got 2 photos from. It’s pretty convincing, voice still lacks behind a bit, but who doesn’t have a little throat infection from time to time.

Our souls will continue to soar - forever. Good luck to all real Hackers, you’ll always remain in our faith. Never give in.

Thanks to everybody, who continued to support us, in any way, shape or form. Fuck everyone in the Cyberbiz, who abused their position or power to take away our last chances in life. It’s not ok and never will be. Equality my ass, more hypocrit is hardly possible.

p.s. If you’re looking for a topic to fill the summer hole, we recommend reviewing Vault 7. Somehow, we were not impressed.

The (inofficial and inactive) BMD.