

- 3 min read

Install Pentesting Toolkit on non-rooted, modern Phone

img of Install Pentesting Toolkit on non-rooted, modern Phone

Got your new Schmalaxy SXT9000 Smartphone with the great features and security, but it’s already boring? Let’s bring tools like Metasploit or SQLMap into your Pocket.

Transform Your Phone

without root. It’s pretty easy: First of all, you need to install Termux - just allow untrusted sources and either install it from GitHub or via F-Droid - we took the most recent version from GitHub.

Then simply start by:


   $ pkg install root-repo

We wouldn’t worry too much about the older, “untested” repos. Just install python, git and you already made it half-way.

   $ pkg install -y binutils python autoconf bison clang coreutils curl findutils apr apr-util postgresql openssl readline libffi libgmp libpcap libsqlite libgrpc libtool libxml2 libxslt ncurses make ncurses-utils git wget unzip zip tar termux-tools termux-elf-cleaner pkg-config ruby
$ python3 -m pip install requests

Install Metasploit


At the time of writing, the script was clean and can safely be used to install metasploit.


   $ cd ../usr/opt/
$ wget https://github.com/gushmazuko/metasploit_in_termux/raw/master/metasploit.sh
$ sh -c metasploit.sh

If it errors, just use the individual steps from the script, it’s truly not difficult.

Metasploit DB

Not many issues here, again. It just works.

   $ ./msfdb init
$ ./msfdb start

We import an nmap scan and run a test module on the nmap results. The magic command is:


   msf6 > hosts -R

to use the IP addresses from the Database for the current module.

Install nmap

Almost the same way, we install nmap. But we need to build it. However, it works without issues, at least for nmap - building ncat failed, so we ran the script again with nmap as argument and it worked.

   $ cd ../usr/opt/
$ git clone https://github.com/nmap/nmap
$ cd nmap/
$ python3 -m pip install setuptools
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install
$ make nmap
$ chmod +x nmap
$ ./nmap -oA ../nmap_local

We make a test-scan of our internal network - worked!


Our favourite OSINT tool. Install is just as simple.

   $ cd ../usr/opt/
$ git clone https://github.com/darkoperator/dnsrecon
$ cd dnsrecon/
$ python3 -m venv .
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ chmod +x dnsrecon.py
$ ./dnsrecon.py

After running our resolv-conf script, dnsrecon works perfectly!

Python Resolv-Conf Errors


   $ cd ../usr/opt/
$ wget https://github.com/Network-Sec/bin-tools-pub/blob/main/termux_update_resolvconf.sh
$ chmod +x termux_update_resolvconf.sh
$ ./termux_update_resolvconf.sh

We made a little script you can run after you installed tools like Impacket or DNSRecon. It will update all Python libs, including those in venv environments, so you don’t get an error.

Impacket - SQLMap - Other

For more tools, it’s the exact same process, so we leave it with another screenshot. Most tools work, sadly we couldn’t get responder to work yet. Maybe on another day.